5 Ways to “AI-proof” Your Career

4 minutes read


In order to “AI proof” your career, use these 5 tips for actually leveraging AI in your own career. You have probably heard many people talking about artificial intelligence (AI), and maybe you are someone who has much to say about it. Some believe it is good, some believe it is bad, but regardless of how you feel, it is now a part of our lives.

Can you AI proof your job?

A good way to think of the adoption of AI is to think about the beginning of personal computers in the 80s, and Internet use in the 90s. AI is the most recent technological advance that can be used and will be an advantageous to people and businesses that embrace it. Just as the adoption of these previous breakthrough technologies led to trillions of dollars in economic value, AI promises to provide untold trillions of dollars of economic value in the future.

Here are our 5 tips for leveraging AI and “AI-proofing” your career.

1. Educate yourself on different AI options

Learn about different options for how to use AI and test them. One example of a great option for using AI is as an idea starter to help initiate creative processes. Some creative agencies actually use generative AI to automate marketing processes, especially content creation, personalization, and blog writing.

AI can also be used for research, design, animation, and ambient listening. It’s also helping businesses with supply chain, automation, and business predictions.

2. Learn how AI is working and how it is not

Be part of the trends and technologies that are hot. Tech-centered companies such as Amazon are innovating in the uses of generative AI, so watching what these companies do is an excellent way to see what is working. Learn from these innovators and then apply what you can to your own work. For example, many companies are realizing that human supervision is important when using AI for testing with consumers. It is important to understand your customer and understand their perspective. An illustration of this is auto-responses in online chat bots or emails. Right now, AI application here is not quite working. Auto-responses can be off-point and not appropriate. A human touch helps.

3. Working with the right people is still important while navigating AI

If you are using AI in your job, your human partners well will help you frame and utilize the AI output that you receive. Collaborating with the correct human personnel in legal, IT, and operations will help you synthesize the use of AI properly in creating a vision and roadmap.

While AI is skilled in knowing facts and information, it is still a digital system and hasn’t yet been able to bridge the gap to human empathy. It is important to build relationships, and understand what you and your partners can do, and what machines cannot. Team collaboration will remain a long-term benefit for organizations.

4. AI can make mistakes, so keep this in mind

AI is machine learning and just as with humans, can make improper assumptions and mistakes and provide incomplete information. Use AI as a tool, but understand its output and verify.

While AI is taking away the boring and monotonous elements of work, proper application is critical, and being vigilant regarding incorrect data and information is extremely important.

5. Become A student

Successful people are always trying to learn more. Becoming a student of what AI is and how to use it will let you learn how to take advantage of its power, and not be a victim of it. Use it to actually increase your own skills – what these skills are will always be changing and evolving as the technology evolves.

Summary: AI is here to stay

People and business will find new ways to use it and gain advantage. Make sure that you do the same. Be one of the people to embrace AI and be able to find ways to use it to your advantage.

Those who do not do this will slowly get left behind. In fact, many people predict that it will begin eliminating various types of management roles. This process may only escalate as the technology improves and its usefulness increases.